Wright State University

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

MTH 4150/6150--Scientific Computation

Spring 2024


Instructor:              Mohamed Sulman

Office:                     MM 234

Email:                      mohamed.sulman [at] wright.edu

Lectures:        TR 5:00  - 6:20 PM   (room 202 MM)

Office hours:  TR 2:30 - 3:30 and by appointment


Course Description:  This course provides introduction to mathematical analysis, numerical algorithms and programming concepts for solving a wide range  of problems in  sciences and engineering.  This is not a programming course, however students are expected to use Matlab or any other programming language such as Fortran, C, or  C++ as part of their homework.



·      Nonlinear equations:  Scalar equation and System of equations.

·      Linear systems of equations (direct and iterative methods)

·      Eigenvalues and eigenvectors computation

·      Approximation of functions and data

·      Numerical differentiation and integration

·      Numerical Optimization

·      Numerical Methods for Initial and boundary value problems (Numerial methods for partial differential equations)


              Data-Driven Modeling and Scientific Computing, by J. Nathan Kutz, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Scientific Computing with Case Studies, by Diane O’Leary, SIAM 2009.

Matlab References:

Homework Assignments:  Roughly biweekly homework will be assigned.   Students are encourage to write rheir own computer programs and to spend a good amount of time on their homework, please do not wait until one day before the homework is due to start working on your homework.

Midterm Exam: There will be one midterm scheduled on Tuesday March 12, 5:00 - 6:20. 

Final Exam:  There will be a final comprehensive exam scheduled on Tuesday Apr 23, 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm.

Grades:  Your course final grade percentage is calculated as the maximum of the following two schemes:

Scheme 1:
Class participation                 5 %

Homework Assignments       25 %

Midterm   Exam                    40 %

Final Exam                            30 %

Scheme 2:
Class participation                 5 %

Homework Assignments       25 %

Midterm   Exam                    20 %

Final Exam                            50 %

Grading Scale: A >= 90%; B >= 80%; C >= 70%; D >= 60%; F less than 60% of total points.


Academic Dishonesty:  Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated throughout this course; academic dishonesty of any kind is a violation of Wright State University's Code of Student Conduct. All acts of academic dishonesty will be prosecuted according to the University's policy on Academic Integrity.  The policy can be found here http://www.wright.edu/students/judicial/integrity.html. Each student is expected to familiarize him/herself with this policy.


Students with Disabilities:  Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations for this class are strongly encouraged to contact the Disability Services Office (DSO), as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. The DSO is located in room 023 Student Union, Tel:  (937) 775-5680, E-mail: disability_services@wright.edu. If you are eligible for course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability (whether or not you choose to use these accommodations), or if you have medical information that I should know about please make an appointment with me immediately.